August 26, 2013
Seattle, WA
Song of the day….
‘Uniform Gray’ by Sarah Harmer
It's perfectly suited
This uniform grey
There are no bearings
To the day
I came down from the air
And i'll leave by boat
Let me just say… migraines are all kinds of sucky. And I mean, not that BIG GULP on a hot day in
July that’s 90% ice/10% soda and the ice has melted so much that the Coke
(because who drinks Pepsi, anyway?
Phooey… ick!... Bleh!) and the water have mixed into this undrinkable,
semi-sweet mess… kind of sucky… but that Magna Cum Sucky of being force fed
“Everyone Loves Raymond” episodes in marathon doses with no commercial breaks…
Yea… they’re just that sucky…
And if ONE is that bad, imagine what 3 in a day in a half
would be like…
Yea, well, that’s pretty much been happening to me. Imitrex seemed to have little effect on these
knife stabbing, nausea laced, vice grip tightening monstrosities… but by this
afternoon, they finally seemed to let their pincer like grips loosen a bit on
my poor beleaguered head enough for me to actually enjoy myself a bit.
You may insert sympathy at any point you feel so moved…
really… go for it… feel the movement!.... whoosh!.... that was the air passing
you by as you were quickly moved to sympathy…
Anyway, what might have contributed to my head blah blues
was a very short night of sleep… actually, several very short nights of sleep…
but who’s counting? Or could count,
really, when you’re running on fumes… I mean consecutive numbers that keep
going and going… infinite craziness!

Still, after a short breakfast, we we
re off for the 3 block
walk to the infamous Space Needle!
Now, it’s like the 7th tallest… in Seattle…
Ah well, time moves on.
It’s really just a tall observation deck with elevators… but that being
said it was pretty wicked cool. Awesome
view of the Misty City (just guessing at Seattle’s moniker… what is it,
anyway?) as the day was relatively bright and beautiful.
Side note: the top of the Needle has ONE restroom… for
EVERYONE!!... so should you visit in the future, be sure to cut down on the
liquids and caffeine prior to venturing up or you may (like me) find yourself
spending far too long in a very tiresome line.
So! We did the Space
Needle, had a wonderful time, and took
the mono-rail from the Space Needle into the shopping district of
downtown. Alas, we were all pretty tired
at this point due to our lack of sleep, so a little shopping later and we were
heading back to the hotel.
A brief work out (yep… pretty proud of that… I worked out on
vacation… I rock!!), some photo editing, and a blog entry later, I’m winding
down for sleep and preparing for our cruise tomorrow! WOOT!
Oh, and on a melancholy note… today was Sydney’s 3rd
b’day... I hate that I missed it, but have every intention of spoiling her
rotten when I return home… Would have been perfect if I could have had my
little puppy with me today, though =).
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