Yep, I vote we adopt ‘Cheers!’. Really, it’s the only dignified thing to do.
So, now that I’ve ranted a bit…
Paddington Station is amazing! I love it! No matter how many times I’ve been there, I fall in love with it a little more every time I’m there. It’s the quintessential train station to me. I love the hustle and bustle. I love the domed, exposed support ceiling with filigreed windows on the either end. Even the name is fun, evoking that cute little bear in a blue overcoat and red hat.
We arrived early in the day and ate a rather bland meal across the street from the station. I have to admit, I was beat all to hell. So many days with so little sleep and so many time changes had finally caught up to me. Thus, although it killed me suggest it, I was the one who volunteered we break for a nap before venturing out on the town… I know! Heinous, right? One day in London and I’m napping? Still, it was worth it to have seen Munich…
Besides, I only napped for 2 hours, so chill…
Then, because Chuck had never been to London before, we purchased tickets on one of those double-decker tour buses that give you a guided, audio tour of London. On the top deck, it’s open air and it was actually a sunny day in London (will wonders never cease?), although chilly.
Thus, we toured around London, taking in the sites and (as I seen the sites before) I was free to only photograph what caught my eye as being exceptionally lovely. This was good since the bus was constantly in motion, not giving me much chance to take truly worthy photographs. It wasn’t too long, however, before it became outrageously cold and I wished, once again, that I had erred on the side of caution and brought warmer clothing… ack!
That night, it was off to Piccadilly Circus and Soho for food and walking around. God, but I love London at night! It’s just fun! The energy is fantastic! I probably could have hung out in that area for the remainder of the night and just mixed with the people, this being the heart of the nightlife in London, Chuck and Craig, however, wished to see Buckingham Palace, so off we went to there.
Alas, quickly the night reached an end the next day arrived… leaving the inevitable trip to Reading ahead of us…
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