• My phone has no reception whatsover… at all… period. This means I can’t text James at all, which has been how we’ve been communicating since I bought the option to do international texting. So now I feel like I’m cut off… I know, I know… there’s e-mail… but it’s just not the same… texting is immediate, after all…
• I tried to call him from the office on Friday, but there just wasn’t time. Long story, but it was just so busy and when I did have a second, the phones there didn’t let me dial out. I didn’t have time to ask someone how the system worked because our next meeting was minutes away. Very frustrating.
• The internet, too, seems to be sporadic here at the hotel, so I feel like everything is a gamble. Arg!
• My body clock is a mess. Try changing time zones like this so often and see what happens to you… ack!
• I suppose I just miss him… sentimental sap that I am.
Oh, and there are cows everywhere.
In the street. Major streets. Just walking. Chewing cud. Licking themselves. Thinking about life. It must be interesting to be a cow in India.
I think they lead to hell.
Or what is the equivalent in the Hindu culture? Who knows? I’ll have to look it up. Either way, these holes may take you there. You definitely have to look where you step while walking here.
Mixed with the heat, and he questions, and the lack of anything interesting to actually see other than abject poverty, we decided to head back to hotel and formulate a more dignified plan for tomorrow. Hopefully, we’ll see something more profound tomorrow…
Until then… I suppose there’s the pool…
** Current Music Listening To: Matt Nathanson: ‘Come On Get Higher’
So wow…. The pool is on the top floor, overlooking the city… not that you really want to see that particular view. Still, once I arrived there, I met the 3 girls that were to affect my weekend quite dramatically: Annie, Irene, and Anki. Craig had entertained these ladies, apparently, during the course of the afternoon and these were to be the ladies that would accompany us during our stay here in India.
We all ventured off to Leela Palace, an amazing hotel for diner, and ate an incredible authentic Indian diner that truly changed my mind about Indian cuisine. After all, before then, I had thought that Indian cuisine consisted of heavily saturated curry spiced foods.
Turns out, I was wrong.
OMG! It was incredible!
Much chatter and time later, however, we headed back. I crashed soon after, as did Annie, but apparently everyone else stayed up all night long, chatting away until the wee small hours of the morning. Brave bunch. I haven’t that sort of stamina anymore =).
Ah well. Annie, trooper that she was, met them when she woke up to jog.
She then called to wake me up for an outing we had planned the night before….
***Current Music: Akiko ~ Big Bang
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